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About Us


At Little Chiefs Boutique, we want to help you and your Little Chief celebrate the magic of childhood! The wonder and excitement, all the firsts, the fun, the never ending learning and everything in between. As parents of five kids aged 10, 8, 6, 3 and 18 months, we know that our kids have our hearts; and everything we do, we do with them in mind. 

Hence the name, "Little Chiefs".

There is no greater joy, nor better reason to celebrate, than pregnancy and the arrival of a new baby! That love and joy only continues to grow as strong and fast as those darling Little Chiefs do; reaching milestones, celebrating birthdays and special occasions.And while the big celebrations are so, so important; there is so much magic worth celebrating in the simple and everyday moments in between.  

We have curated an amazing range of fun, beautiful and practical gifts for babies and kids that will not only help you celebrate your Little Chief's big moments and milestones, but gifts that will help you connect with your Little Chief and celebrate the magic of their childhood each and everyday as you play, nurture, inspire, create and learn together.  

Enjoy browsing our online store to find something special to celebrate the Little Chief in your life and have it shipped straight to your door (or theirs).

We look forward to sharing the magic of childhood with you & your Little Chief(s).

Bek, Glenn & our 5 Little Chiefs: Bronson, Cosima, August, Oscar & Amara.



